1. Taraflar
1.1. MASLAK MAH. ESKİ BÜYÜKDERE CAD. GİZ 2000 PLAZA No:7/ 7 SARIYER/İSTANBUL adresinde mukim XSIGHTS ARAŞTIRMA VE DANIŞMANLIK ANONİM ŞİRKETİ (bundan böyle sözleşmede “XSIGHTS” olarak adlandırılacaktır)
1.2. ........................... adresinde mukim ................................ (bundan böyle sözleşmede “Gizli Müşteri” olarak adlandırılacaktır)
2. Sözleşmenin Konusu
İşbu Sözleşme’nin konusu, Gizli Müşteri tarafından, XSIGHTS’ın, üçüncü kişi işletme ile imzaladığı sözleşme kapsamında, ilgili işletmeye ait mağazaların, işletme tarafından öngörülen standartlarda işletilip işletilmediğinin, satış elemanlarının hizmet kalitesinin, müşteri hizmetleri, ürün kalitesi, ürün sunumu ve diğer detayların, o mağazanın müşterileri tarafından talep edildiği şekilde yerine getirip getirmediğinin denetlenmesi ve değerlendirilmesi işidir.
3. Gizli Müşterinin Çalışma Düzeni, Hak ve Yükümlülükleri
3.1. Gizli Müşteri, XSIGHTS tarafından bildirilen mağazaların denetimini fiilen yürütmede, ziyaret sıklığını, ziyaret gününü ve saatini belirme açısından serbesttir. XSIGHTS, Gizli Müşteri’nin mesai saatlerini belirleme yetkisine sahip olmayıp, bu noktada Gizli Müşteri, işini dürüstlük kurallarına uygun olarak makul sürede gerçekleştirmekle yükümlüdür.
3.2. Denetim yapılacak mağazaların akşamları ve hafta sonları da açık olduğu dikkate alınarak, Gizli Müşteri’nin bir başka işletmede tam zamanlı çalışması kendisinin takdirinde olup, aşağıda tespit edilen sır saklama ve rekabet etmeme yükümlülüklerine uyması şartıyla, Gizli Müşteri, işbu Sözleşme kapsamında üstlendiği işi yan iş olarak yapabilecektir.
3.3. XSIGHTS ve Gizli Müşteri arasındaki ilişki bağımsız bir iş görme ilişkisi olup, işbu Sözleşme 4587 Sayılı İş Kanunu uyarınca bir iş sözleşmesi olarak değerlendirilemez. Gizli Müşteri, XSIGHTS’ın çalışanı değildir ve bu Sözleşme’nin imzalanmış olması Gizli Müşteri’nin XSIGHTS’ın bir çalışanı olarak nitelendirilip, İş Kanunu’nun sağladığı haklardan yararlanmasına sebebiyet vermez. İşbu Sözleşme süresince Gizli Müşteri dilediği üçüncü şahıslara hizmet vermekte ve mesaisini dilediği gibi değerlendirmekte özgürdür.
3.4. Gizli Müşteri, bu Sözleşme’nin imzalanmasından sonra, denetim göreviyle ilgili XSIGHTS tarafından verilecek eğitime katılmakla yükümlüdür. Gizli Müşteri’nin, eğitim sonrasında denetimi yerine getirirken özellikle uyması gereken ilkeler aşağıdaki gibidir:
• Ziyaret sırasında, değerlendirme formu yanında götürülmemelidir.
• XSIGHTS tarafından bildirilecek ziyaret süresine uyulmalıdır.
• Ziyaret sırasında Gizli müşteri olduğunu belirtir hareket ve ifadelerkullanmamalıdır.
3.5. Gizli Müşteri’nin yaptığı denetimler sonucunda hazırlayacağı raporlar, aşağıdaki unsurları taşımalıdır:
• Raporlar, XSIGHTS’ın hazırlamış olduğu formata uygun olarak, şıkların işaretlenmesi ve çok detaylı anlatım yöntemiyle hazırlanmalı ve ziyareti takip eden 2 gün içerisinde XSIGHTS’a ulaştırılmalıdır.
3.6. Gizli Müşteri, işbu Sözleşme kapsamındaki işi yerine getirirken, XSIGHTS’ın talimatlarına aykırı hareket edemez ve Borçlar Kanunu uyarınca vekilin göstermek zorunda olduğu özen derecesini göstermekle yükümlüdür. Aksi takdirde, Gizli Müşteri, XSIGHTS’ın bu yüzden uğradığı tüm zararları tazmin etmekle sorumludur.
3.7. Müşterilerimizden gizli müşteri adına tahsil ettiğimiz tutarlar tarafınıza ödenecektir.
4. Ödeme
XSIGHTS tarafından yürütülen Gizli Müşteri Uygulaması, şirketlere ve projelere göre değişiklik gösterdiğinden, her projeye ait işbaşı fiyatı, Gizli müşteriye bildirilecektir.
5. Sözleşmenin Süresi ve Feshi
5.1. İşbu Sözleşme imza tarihinde yürürlüğe girer ve bu tarihten itibaren 1 yıl süreyle yürürlükte kalır. Taraflar Sözleşme süresince, 1 ay öncesinden yapacakları yazılı bildirimle, Sözleşme’yi herhangi bir zamanda sona erdirebilirler.
5.2. Gizli Müşteri’nin Sözleşme’deki yükümlülüklere aykırı davranması veya edimlerini gereği gibi ifa etmemesi halinde XSIGHTS, Sözleşmeyi derhal feshederek her türlü zararının tazminini talep etmek veya her türlü zararının tazmininin yanısıra Sözleşme’nin aynen ifasını talep etmek hususunda seçimlik hakkı haizdir.
6. Sır Saklama ve Rekabet Etmeme Yükümlülüğü
6.1 Gizli Müşteri, işbu Sözleşme’ye konu iş nedeniyle XSIGHTS’ın kendi ve müşterisi işletmeler hakkında öğrendiği, ticari sır niteliğinde olsun olmasın tüm bilgileri, üçüncü kişilere vermemekle ve kendisi, akrabası ya da üçüncü bir kişinin, maddi menfaat amacıyla kullanmamasını sağlamakla yükümlüdür. Gizli Müşteri’nin işbu 6.1. madde altındaki sır saklama yükümlülüğüne, kendisinin XSIGHTS’ın “Gizli Müşteri”si olarak görev yaptığını akrabaları dahil hiçbir üçüncü kişiye açıklamama yükümlülüğü de dahildir.
6.2. Gizli Müşteri, işbu Sözleşme’nin devamında ve Sözleşme sona erdikten sonra 2 (iki) yıl süre ile, Sözleşme çerçevesinde öğrendiği bilgilerden kendisinin ya da üçüncü bir kişinin yaralanmasını sağlar nitelikte bir faaliyette bulunmamakla ve bir başka işletme için Gizli Müşteri olarak çalışmak suretiyle XSIGHTS ile rekabet etmemekle yükümlüdür.
7. İhtilafların Halli ve Uygulanacak Hukuk
İşbu Sözleşme’den kaynaklanan ihtilaflarda İstanbul mahkemeleri ve İcra Daireleri yetkilidir. Sözleşme’de hüküm bulunmayan yerlerde, vekalet sözleşmesine ilişkin Borçlar Kanunu md.386 vd. hükümleri uygulanır.
8. Çeşitli Hükümler
8.1. Taraflar, diğer tarafın yazılı onayı olmadan işbu Sözleşme’yi ve Sözleşme’den doğan hak ve yükümlülüklerini üçüncü kişilere devredemez.
8.2. İşbu Sözleşme’de yer alan hükümlerin tadili ve Sözleşme’ye yapılacak ekler, ancak yazılı şekilde ve tarafların imzaları ile geçerli olur.
8.3. Kişisel Verilerin Korunması (6698 Sayılı Kanun) Gizli Müşteri olarak, Kişisel Veri’nin işleneceğini, kaydedileceğini, depolanacağını, muhafaza edileceğini, gerektiğinde güncelleneceğini ve aktarabileceğini belirtir, bu kapsamda şirketimiz ve Grup Şirketleri, bağlı şirketleri, danışmanları, hissedarları ya da çözüm ortakları ile sair ilgili kişiler tarafından Kişisel Veri üzerinde yapılacak her türlü işlemin kişisel veri işlenmesi olarak kabul edileceğini bildiririz.
Kişisel Verileriniz, iş sözleşmenizin devamı süresince iş sözleşmenizin sona erdiği tarihten itibaren ilgili tüm yasal mevzuat uygun sürelerde ve koşullarda saklanmak durumunda olduğunu ve yasal süreler sonunda yok edileceğini bildiririz.
işbu bilgilendirme ve izin formunu, okuyup, anladığımı ve bu şekilde alınan aşağıdaki beyanımın olduğunu kabul ediyorum. 6698 sayılı Kişisel Verilerin Korunması Kanunu’na uygun olarak kişisel ve/veya özel nitelikli kişisel verilerimin; tamamen veya kısmen elde edilmesi, kaydedilmesi, depolanması, değiştirilmesi, güncellenmesi, periyodik olarak kontrol edilmesi, yeniden düzenlenmesi, sınıflandırılması, işlendikleri amaç için gerekli olan ya da ilgili kanunda öngörülen süre kadar muhafaza edilmesi, kanuni ya da hizmete bağlı fiili gereklilikler halinde şirketinizin birlikte çalıştığı ya da kanunen yükümlü olduğu kamu kurum ve kuruluşlarıyla ve/veya Türkiye’de veya yurt dışında mukim olan 3. kişi hizmet sağlayıcı, tedarikçi firmalar, şirketinizin ve/veya şirketinizin ortakları, Şirketler Grubu çatısı altındaki firmalar ile paylaşılması, kanuni ya da hizmete bağlı fiili gereklilikler halinde yurtdışına aktarılması da dâhil olmak üzere yukarıda belirtilen açıklamalar kapsamında işlenmesine, konu hakkında tereddüde yer vermeyecek şekilde bilgi sahibi ve aydınlatılmış olarak açık rızam ile onay veriyorum.
İşbu Sözleşme ….... tarihinde İstanbul’da 2 (iki) nüsha olarak hazırlanmış ve taraflarca imzalanarak yürürlüğe girmiştir.
Gizli Müşteri
1. Parties
1.1. XSİGHTS Araştırma ve Danışmanlık Anonim Şirketi (Hereinafter referred to as "XSİGHTS" in the Agreement.) located at Maslak Mah. Eski Büyükdere Cad. GİZ 2000 Plaza No:7/7 Sarıyer/İstanbul Türkiye
1.2. ........................... with Turkish ID number ................................ and residing at ........................... (Hereinafter referred to as "Mystery Shopper" in the Agreement)
1.3. In this Agreement, XSİGHTS and Mystery Shopper are hereinafter referred to individually as a Party and collectively as the Parties.
2. Subject of the Agreement
2.1. The subject matter of this Mystery Shopper Agreement ("Agreement") is, within the scope of the contract signed by XSİGHTS with third-party businesses ("Third Party Business"), the audit and evaluation by the Mystery Shopper whether the stores owned by the relevant Third Party Business are operated at the standards stipulated by the Third Party Business, whether the service quality of the sales staff, customer service, product quality, product presentation and other details are fulfilled as requested by the customers of the store owned by the Third Party Business.
3. Working System, Rights and Obligations of Mystery Shopper
3.1. Mystery Shopper is free to determine the frequency, day and time of the visit in order to carry out the audit of the stores belonging to the Third Party Business designated in writing by XSİGHTS. XSİGHTS is not authorized to determine the working hours of Mystery Shopper and at this juncture, Mystery Shopper is obliged to perform the task within a reasonable time with good faith and honesty.
3.2. Provided that it complies with the confidentiality and non-compete obligations set out in Article 6 of this Agreement, Mystery Shopper may perform the task assigned under this Agreement as a subsidiary business.
3.3. The relationship between XSİGHTS and Mystery Shopper is an independent service relationship and this Agreement cannot be considered as an employment contract in accordance with Labor Law No. 4587. Mystery Shopper is not an employee of XSİGHTS and the signing of this Agreement does not imply that Mystery Shopper is considered an employee of XSİGHTS and benefit from the social security and other rights provided by the Labor Law. During the term of this Agreement, Mystery Shopper is free to provide services to third parties of his/her choice and to allocate his/her working hours as he/she prefers.
3.4. This Agreement does not constitute, establish or express any partnership, joint venture, agency, employment relationship or any other trust-based transaction between the Parties.
3.5. The Parties shall not have any obligations set forth under Labor Law, Social Security Law, General Health Law or other secondary legislation arising from this Agreement
3.6. After the signing of this Agreement, Mystery Shopper is obliged to attend the training ("Training") to be provided by XSİGHTS regarding the audit assignment, whose date, time and meeting method (face-to-face, electronic (online), etc.) will be notified to him/her by XSİGHTS. The principles that Mystery Shopper must comply with, in particular but not limited to, while performing the audit after the Training are as follows:
3.6.1. Mystery Shopper shall not take the evaluation form ("Evaluation Form") provided to him/her by XSİGHTS during the visit.
3.6.2. Mystery Shopper shall comply with the duration of the visit to be notified by XSİGHTS.
3.6.3. During the visit, Mystery Shopper shall refrain from gestures and expressions that indicate or imply that he/she is Mystery Shopper.
3.7. The reports to be prepared by Mystery Shopper as a result of the audits ("Reports") must be prepared in accordance with the format prepared by XSİGHTS, by marking the choices and explaining in detail, and must be delivered to XSİGHTS within 2 (two) business days following the visit via Mystery Shopper Platform, by e-mail or by hand if requested by XSİGHTS.
3.8. While performing the tasks under this Agreement, Mystery Shopper shall act in accordance with the training and guidance provided by XSİGHTS and shall be obliged to exercise the degree of care that a diligent businessman is obliged to exercise. Otherwise, Mystery Shopper shall be liable to indemnify XSİGHTS for all damages suffered as a result thereof.
3.9. Unless otherwise agreed under this Agreement or under the relevant legislation, all costs and other liabilities shall be borne by Mystery Shopper in the event that any fees, duties, taxes or charges or any amount of payment under any name whatsoever arise due to the performance of the tasks under this Agreement.
4. Payment
4.1. Since Mystery Shopper Implementation carried out by XSİGHTS varies according to companies and projects, the starting price for each project will be notified to Mystery Shopper in writing. Mystery Shopper shall be deemed to have rejected the project proposal unless he/she notifies in writing that he/she accepts the project proposal sent to him/her by XSİGHTS within 48 (forty-eight) hours.
5. Term and Termination of the Agreement
5.1. This Agreement shall enter into force on the date of signature and shall remain in force for 1 (one) year from this date. The Parties may terminate the Agreement at any time during the term of the Agreement with 1 (one) month prior with written notice. Otherwise, the Agreement shall be deemed to be renewed every year with the same terms.
5.2. In the event that Mystery Shopper breaches its obligations under this Agreement or fails to perform its obligations as required, XSİGHTS may immediately terminate the Agreement without any notice and without compensation. In this case, XSİGHTS shall have the option to demand compensation for any and all damages, including but not limited to loss of profit, or to demand specific performance of the Agreement together with compensation for damages.
6. Confidentiality and Non-Compete Obligations
6.1. Confidential Information/s mean/s any information in oral, written, electronic or magnetic media or visual, auditory and/or any other form or transmitted in any form or by any means on commercial, financial, technical or similar subjects belonging to XSİGHTS, XSİGHTS's customers or Third Party Business, of which Mystery Shopper is aware within the scope of the negotiations between the Parties before the signing of this Agreement and/or due to the relationship arising from this Agreement between the Parties. Confidential Information/s also include/s the following information:
All kinds of records, information and documents, including, but not limited to, all kinds of verbal, written or graphical, official or private, financial, legal, administrative, commercial, technical, operational and other documents provided within the scope of the purpose of the Agreement;
All contracts, undertakings, letters, writings and any other documents and any information, documents and proposal documents exchanged between the Parties during the negotiation period prior to the execution/signing of such contracts and documents;
All kinds of commercial records, financial information, budget, sales figures, products and services, potential products and services, product and service prices, price offers, profitability, financial statements, marketing plans, operations, research, reports, subscription and conversation information, organizational structure, management style, information on potential and existing customers and/or suppliers and information on managers, partners, employees;
All kinds of work, methods, progress, presentations, all other innovations, formulas, models, software, databases, encryption techniques, algorithms, processes, research and development methods, price lists, price application policies, ideas, inventions, innovations, know-how, patents, copyright, trademark, trade secret, all kinds of intellectual and industrial rights, improvement ideas, trade secrets, drawings, file information, data and donations, all kinds of documents, diagrams, specifications, design, process, procedure, market research, marketing techniques and materials, business plan and strategy and other information, personal data; even if not subject to legal protection;
Any information bearing any of the above characteristics and developed by the Parties under the Agreement (whether owned or not) and obtained in order to keep it confidential from a third party.
6.2. For the avoidance of doubt, Confidential Information/s within the scope of this Agreement shall include all information relating to XSİGHTS itself or any of its affiliated companies, subsidiaries, affiliates, shareholders, employees and customers and shall also include all information provided by XSİGHTS to Mystery Shopper.
6.3. Mystery Shopper is obliged not to disclose to third parties all Confidential Information(s), whether or not classified as trade secrets, which Mystery Shopper has learned about XSİGHTS and its client Third Party Businesses due to the tasks subject to this Agreement and to ensure that it is not used by Mystery Shopper, its relatives or a third party for financial benefit. Mystery Shopper’s confidentiality obligation under this Article 6 includes the obligation not to disclose to any third party, including his/her relatives that he/she is acting as a "Mystery Shopper" of XSİGHTS.
6.4. By signing the Agreement, Mystery Shopper accepts and undertakes:
To protect all Confidential Information/s in the utmost confidentiality, to treat it as a confidentiality obligation and to ensure and maintain the secrecy of the Confidential Information/s;
To take the same care in protecting XSİGHTS's Confidential Information/s as he/she takes in protecting his/her own Confidential Information(s); not to disclose and/or make public any Confidential Information/s to any third party by any means whatsoever, except for the transfer to his/her representatives (if any) who are required to learn the Confidential Information/s in case of necessity and due to his/her business, (Mystery Shopper agrees and undertakes in advance that his/her representatives receiving the Confidential Information/s will not act contrary to the obligations of this Agreement and if so, Mystery Shopper is directly liable).
Not to use the Confidential Information/s for any reason whatsoever, directly or indirectly, for its own benefit or for the benefit of any third party and not to authorize the use or disclosure of the Confidential Information/s for any purpose other than the purpose permitted under the Agreement or in writing by XSİGHTS;
Not to disclose, report, or publish any of the Confidential Information(s) to any third party, firm, agency or institution, or to take all necessary legal or other measures to avoid such disclosure, except as expressly provided by law;
6.5. Proprietary and Intellectual Property Rights: XSİGHTS shall not be deemed to have transferred to Mystery Shopper any license, property, right of representation and/or copyright, patents, utility models, trademarks, know-how, trade secrets and similar rights to any "Confidential Information" or product thereof. Mystery Shopper may not use the title and logo of XSİGHTS and other intellectual property rights of XSİGHTS as a reference and/or use it for advertising and similar purposes in written/verbal/visual media without the written consent of XSİGHTS by using this Agreement in any way.
6.6. Liability: Mystery Shopper agrees and undertakes to immediately and in writing notify XSİGHTS of any unauthorized disclosure of Confidential Information/s in violation of this Agreement and to take common measures and to use its utmost efforts to mitigate any damages incurred by XSİGHTS as a result thereof.
6.7. Return of Confidential Information/s: Confidential Information/s shall be returned by Mystery Shopper to XSİGHTS immediately upon termination of the commercial relationship between the Parties or this Agreement or upon written request of XSİGHTS, in full and without any copies, or destroyed upon request with a destruction report.
6.8. The confidentiality provisions in Article 6 of this Agreement shall be in force for an indefinite period.
6.9. Without prejudice to Article 6.8. of this Agreement, Mystery Shopper shall, during the continuation of this Agreement and for a period of 2 (two) years after the termination of the Agreement, not engage in any activity that enables him/her or a third party to benefit from the information he/she has learned within the scope of the Agreement and not compete with XSİGHTS by working as Mystery Shopper for another enterprise.
7. Protection of Personal Data
7.1. The Parties shall process the personal data ("Personal Data") to be processed within the scope of the Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data ("LPPD") within the framework of the Agreement in compliance with the relevant rules and obligations imposed with the applicable legislation, including LPPD.
7.2. Mystery Shopper shall process Personal Data only for the purpose of the execution of the Agreement and in accordance with the requests and instructions of XSİGHTS, within the framework of the provisions and principles of LPPD.
7.3. Mystery Shopper is liable to take all necessary technical and administrative measures to ensure the adequate level of security and other necessary measures set out in the guidelines and recommendations of the Personal Data Protection Authority in order to prevent unlawful processing of Personal Data, unlawful access to Personal Data and to ensure the confidentiality of Personal Data. Mystery Shopper will only allow access to Personal Data by its employees or representatives (if any) if such access is necessary within the framework of the relevant staff's specific tasks and responsibilities and is reasonable and proportionate to the requirements of the services provided to XSİGHTS.
7.4. Mystery Shopper shall not process or use the Personal Data in any way other than for the purpose of the execution of the Agreement and shall not transfer or disclose it to any third party, including sub-processors, suppliers, other parties and organizations with which it cooperates, without the prior written approval of XSİGHTS.
7.5. Mystery Shopper shall provide information and document support to XSİGHTS upon request of XSİGHTS in order to respond to the requests of individuals and organizations that may be communicated to XSİGHTS regarding Personal Data. Mystery Shopper shall respond to such requests to be communicated by XSİGHTS within 7 (seven) days at the latest. Mystery Shopper shall inform XSİGHTS as soon as possible and within 3 (three) business days at the latest about the requests, if any, that the relevant natural persons or organizations may direct to Mystery Shopper about the processes in which XSİGHTS acts as the data controller.
7.6. Mystery Shopper shall inform XSİGHTS within 24 (twenty-four) hours from the moment the situation is detected in order to prevent any damages or to prevent the growth of the existing damage in case the Personal Data is obtained by anyone else illegally. The Parties shall provide information/document support to each other at the request of the other Party within the framework of applications/notifications that may be required to be made to the Personal Data Protection Board or other official authorities.
7.7. In the case of transfer of Personal Data by Mystery Shopper to third parties, including its suppliers, sub-processors and consultants, due to the necessity for the execution of the Agreement, Mystery Shopper shall ensure that such third parties act in accordance with the terms of the Agreement and LPPD; and process Personal Data in accordance with the instructions of XSİGHTS for the sole purpose of the execution of the Agreement. Mystery Shopper accepts and declares that it will make a written agreement with the relevant third parties in order to ensure that the Personal Data is processed by such third parties in accordance with these objectives and the relevant legislation and that the necessary technical and administrative measures are taken.
7.8. The obligations under this Agreement shall also apply to Mystery Shopper’s employees, suppliers, sub-processors and other parties, which process data on its behalf. Mystery Shopper accept and declares that he/she is personally responsible to XSİGHTS and the relevant natural persons for the compliance of himself/herself and his/her employees, suppliers, sub-processors and other parties which process data on his/her behalf with the LPPD and the Agreement.
7.9. Mystery Shopper accepts, declares and undertakes that if it processes Private Personal Data on behalf of XSİGHTS, it will process such data in accordance with the necessary measures specified in the decision of the Personal Data Protection Board dated 31/01/2018 and numbered 2018/10 regarding the "Adequate Measures to be Taken by Data Controllers on the Processing of the Special Categories of Personal Data".
7.10. Mystery Shopper agrees that XSİGHTS is authorized to conduct and have required audits to determine whether the obligations set out in the LPPD and the Agreement have been executed, and undertakes to provide XSİGHTS with the necessary convenience, provided that he/she is informed within a reasonable period of time in advance.
7.11. In the event of termination of the Agreement for any reason, Mystery Shopper shall immediately delete, destroy or anonymize the Personal Data in accordance with the legislation. Mystery Shopper shall also inform the third parties to whom it has transferred the Personal Data based on the prior written authorization of XSİGHTS and shall ensure and confirm that it has immediately executed the deletion/destruction/anonymization process.
7.12. Without prejudice to other obligations set out under this Agreement, Mystery Shopper shall be exclusively liable to the extent of his/her fault or negligence in the occurrence of the breach and shall indemnify XSİGHTS in full upon written demand without the need for any court judgement against any damages, lawsuits, claims, demands, costs or prosecution, judicial/administrative fines or compensation to be paid to third parties that XSİGHTS may incur due to the violation of the LPPD or the obligations listed in the Agreement by Mystery Shopper.
7.13. The Parties agree that in the event of a violation of the LPPD or the terms of the Agreement by Mystery Shopper or Mystery Shopper’s employees, suppliers, sub-processors and other parties who process data on his/her behalf, XSİGHTS (reserving all other rights and remedies) has the right to unilaterally terminate the Agreement immediately and/or to stop data transfer until the violation is eliminated without any judgement and without any liability against him/her.
8. Settlement of Disputes and Applicable Law
Istanbul Courts and Execution Offices are competent for disputes arising from this Agreement, which is governed by Turkish law.
9. Miscellaneous Provisions
9.1. The Parties shall not transfer or assign this Agreement or their rights and obligations arising from this Agreement to third parties in whole or in part without the written consent of the other Party.
9.2. The amendment of the provisions in this Agreement shall only be valid in written form and with the signatures of both Parties’ representatives.
9.3. The invalidity, illegality, non-applicability or cancellation of any of the terms of this Agreement shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the other terms of this Agreement.
9.4. The non-execution by either Party of any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement or the refusal to enforce its rights arising from a breach of this Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver of the application of such terms and conditions to any future violations.
9.5. All notices between the Parties shall be in writing and the written addresses of the Parties set out in the preamble to this Agreement shall be the addresses to which notices to each other under this Agreement shall be addressed. Unless the address changes are notified to the other Party in writing, all notifications to be made by the Parties to each other shall be made to the addresses written in this Agreement and shall have the legal consequences of a valid notification. However, notifications to be made for the purpose of making the other Party default, termination of the Agreement or withdrawal from the Agreement as stipulated in Article 18/3 of the Turkish Commercial Code No. 6102 shall only be properly valid and deemed to have been notified in accordance with Turkish law when sent via notary public, registered mail or registered electronic mail system using secure electronic signature.
9.6. This Agreement has been prepared in 2 (two) copies on ....... and entered into force upon signing by the Parties.
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