New shopper registration

Onboarding Agreement - Terms & Conditions


Mystery Shopper Agreement

This Mystery Shopper Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into on [Date] between Incognito Corporate Services Provider LLC (“Company”) and the undersigned mystery shopper (“Shopper”).

Services: Shopper agrees to diligently conduct mystery shopping services for Company’s esteemed Clients in strict accordance with assigned shop instructions and report templates. Services may encompass purchase transactions, customer service evaluations, price checks, facility audits, and various observations deemed necessary by the Company.

Compensation: Company will compensate Shopper upon the successful completion of services. Compensation terms, whether a flat fee, hourly rate, or reimbursement model, will be communicated and agreed upon before each shop assignment. Timely completion of tasks is crucial for qualification for full payment.

Confidentiality: Shopper acknowledges the sensitivity of the information they may encounter during the course of their services. Shopper commits to maintaining the utmost confidentiality and will not disclose any confidential information without the prior written consent of the Client. This obligation extends beyond the termination of this Agreement.

Privacy & Data Protection: Shopper agrees that the Company may collect and process personal data to manage Shopper’s account and assignments. The Company commits to complying with the UAE Data Protection Law and GDPR standards when handling Shopper’s data. Shopper retains the right to access and correct their personal data.

Representations: Shopper represents that they are free from conflicts of interest or connections with any Client for whom they perform services. Shopper has no physical limitations hindering the successful completion of assigned tasks. Additionally, Shopper pledges to provide truthful, objective evaluations, reports, and data for all services.

Conduct: Shopper shall maintain a professional demeanor during all assignments, avoiding actions disruptive to Clients’ business operations. Shopper will adhere to all applicable laws and abide by Client rules while on the premises.

Termination: Either party may terminate this Agreement with a written notice period of 30 days. The Company reserves the right to terminate immediately if Shopper violates any provisions outlined in this Agreement.

I acknolwedge the above and  INDEPENDENT ASSESSORS AGREEMENT - Read Terms & Conditions.

By signing below, I acknowledge and agree to adhere to all the terms and conditions stipulated in this Agreement for conducting mystery shopper services with Incognito Corporate Services Provider LLC.




I agree

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Incognito Corporate Services Provider, Dubai, U.A.E   Email